London Fire: Inside The Grenfell Tower As Death Imagined To Hit 100 +(Pictures)

Grenfell Tower

An image posted on Twitter shows firefighters searching the tower’s smoky corridors following the devastating inferno which has killed at least 17 people.Officials fear the death toll could go past 100 as a fire chief revealed it would “be a miracle” to pull anyone out alive. See photos below...

Harrowing photos shows the charred remains of a kitchen as the fire still burns in the corner
Shocking images show the mangled wreckage facing firefighters and residents inside the stricken Grenfell Tower
Local painter Hassan Kaissi, 42, rushed to the scene after finding out about the fire and found himself helping out firemen
A pocket of fire continues to lick up the walls of the gutted flat in west London
A charred shell is all that is left of the 120 flat tower in West London
Eeeire images show abandoned rooms after the blaze took hold of Grenfell Tower in the early hours of Wednesday morning
Fire crews search Grenfell Tower flats in Latimer Road this morning
The windows have melted following the devastating fire in west London
Pictures posted on Twitter capture scenes of devastation in a family home
A charred washing machine in the remains of the burnt out building
A family dining table and chairs has been burnt to just its shell after the flames ravaged Grenfell Tower
Chilling first pictures show what used to be a family kitchen before it was ravaged by the inferno

Commander Stuart Cundy, of the Metropolitan Police, said: “Sadly I can confirm that the number of people who have died is now 17.
“We do believe that that number will sadly increase.”

The LFB Commissioner said: “There is still smoke smoke coming from the building. We are working very hard at the moment to contain the last pockets of fire.

“There are obviously a number of people who are critically ill in hospital and there are as we believe unknown numbers of people in the building.

“Due to the severity of the fire and the way things are it will take us a long time to be able to do that search to properly if anyone left in the building but we will do that as soon as we can in conjunction with the police.

“Tragically, now, we are not expecting to find anyone else alive. The severity and the heat of the fire will mean it would be an absolute miracle for anyone to be left alive.”

Aerial photos show the devastation caused to the tower block 
Grenfell Tower 
Firefighters still working on the gutted remains of the tower block 
Fierce flames could be seen for miles as the 24-storey building burnt through the night 
A train rolls past the gutted building this morning in the aftermath of the fire 
A fireman surveys the burnt out high rise block of flats 
Grenfell tower 
At least 12 people have been killed following a huge fire at Grenfell Tower in west London 



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