Tiger Broke Into An Enclosure Killing Zookeeper +(Pictures)

Victim . . . Rosa King was mauled to death by a tiger at Hamerton Zoo Park in Cambridgeshire

Hamerton Zoo Park, announced the dead of a colleague Rosa King, 33, who was killed by one of the tigers that broke into an enclosure where she was working.

According to Visitor Pete Davis who added: “All hell broke loose. It was total panic.” “There’s no doubting it was a girl’s scream and something terrible had happened.

“She let out a blood curdling scream and then another keeper ran out shouting ‘Run!’

“It was a case of total panic. There were keepers rushing about throwing about buckets of meat to try and get the tigers under control.

“They ushered us away to another building. You could see the keepers with their heads in their hands.”

The zoo issued a statement saying 'at no point did any animals escape their enclosure'

Terrified families fled Hamerton Zoo Park, which has had a cheetah escape in the past, as an evacuation was ordered.

A member of staff at Hammerton Zoo looks visibly upset after the fatal incident

Dedicated . . . The 33-year-old feeds one of the tigers she doted on

Rosa’s online posts showed how she doted on the big cats at the zoo near Sawtry, Cambs.
In a tweet from 2013 she referred to one of the zoo’s white Bengal tigers, saying: “Bless my Blizzard.”

Another witness, Victoria Northover Holmes, said: “I was taking photos of tigers in the field when some keepers came running down the hill towards the next tiger enclosure.

“We didn’t know what was happening but they looked worried. I carried on walking towards the next enclosure when someone shouted ‘Run!’

“A group of us ran into the keepers’ rooms.”

Victoria said she saw keepers on the other side of a fence trying to get an animal’s attention with slabs of meat.

She added: “It was heartbreaking seeing them trying to help.”

One of Rosa’s relatives said yesterday: “She loved those animals. It’s absolutely tragic.

Family favourite . . . Hammerton Zoo Park is home to many tigers and cheetahs


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