Alcoholic England Football Legend Reveals He's Ready For Death


Alcoholic England football legend Kenny Sansom reveals he’s ready to die. In an interview, the former Arsenal star finally admits defeat in his battle with the booze .

He tells how he’s facing his first Christmas alone after being dumped by his fiancée and becoming estranged from his family.

And last week he turned down an offer from an old team-mate to get him back in rehab.

“I’m in the worst place I’ve ever been – I’ve never been this low,” said a tearful 58-year-old Kenny. I want to kill myself . I don’t feel like I’ve got anything left to live for. I want to forget my life. I can’t handle life any more. If I could end it now, I would. I know what I’m saying will hurt a lot of people, but I feel I need to get it out and be honest about how I feel.”

Drinking white wine from a teacup, he admitted he has been borrowing money from pals and relying on the goodwill of hotel owners to give him a cheap bed for the night.

Kenny told how police and paramedics were called out last week amid fears he was about to end it all. He says he has just £50 to his name.

His pitiful plight is a far cry from his glory days. The renowned left back played in three Wembley cup finals and won 86 caps for England in a glittering 20-year career.

But even then his love of booze led to him being nicknamed “Mr Chablis”. Since retiring in 1994 his life has been devastated by it.

The latest shattering blow has been his split from fiancée Denise Mullins, 60, after ten -turbulent years together.



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